Post #2761437 - 02/10/2024 11:49:39



You were born free and die free but will you live free? As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living new dimensions of the soul will not emerge JOIN our powerful society to gain and practice secretknowledge and information that was once only accessible by the privileged elite and society members This is a private exclusive members-only global association No matter how much the rich have they always want more And the richer you are the more you get And the more you get the less others get soyou are actively making the poor poorer Isn't that the world we live in? That's how we have the 1% versus the 99% They will take everything from us unless we take it all back from them The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength not a lack of knowledge but rather a lack. Today I show you how to join the illuminati. For hundreds of years everyone has been questioning if the illuminati exists I can 100% confirm that it does very much exist in fact I’ve been lucky enough to be recruited into the top secret group myself. I decided to reveal to the world the truth about the illuminati and the steps you need to take to join it. The joining process is actually quite easy! Simply watch the video and you’ll be a part of the illuminati in minutes!Special thanks to PewDiePie for recruiting me. Eggfist.:+27787153652 Illumical Ben Call or Whatsapp Join the Illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 1million-Join the Illuminati order online today to meet your demand and acquire wealth powerprotection and security etc. Do you need to be rich? Do you need to be famous? Do you need to have “blue blood”? Be part of special bloodline? Or the membership is earned? +27787153652 ,There are many orders of the Illuminati nowadays all of which have ties and origin from the original Bavarian Illuminati group. The religious movement is often cited as one of the responsible for chaos in the world forcing leaders to make moves that play into their narrative.Every new member of the Illuminati order starts as initiate. The job of the supervisor is to find new initiates approach them gain their trust and then get them to join the order. Check the training video explaining how common people become members of the secret order of the Illuminati.This Society's aim is to make woman more powerfull in society. Long time girls and women where taken as nothing in society. Then the freemanson empire came up and eventually it became famous with celebrities musicians sportsmen and women Leaders and noble price winners. Today the freemanson empire has expanded and is known and commonly as the Illuminati Society. Some of the Leaders are Madonna JLo Shakira Jayz Beyonce and Mr Bill Gates. To Join this society and reach straight to your goals call The only agent in Africa. They need us but we must once again band together.What you see in the media today was not the original plan of our organization. It is not required that you are already super wealthy or you are already an elite member of government or business….you must simply seek the light and seek a world of knowledge that you realize exists but is not sought after by the masses. You then become enlightened. By locating the membership portal we realize you have a dedication to the path of illumination and will do what is needed to further the cause of The Illuminati…. We want you to join now!Keep in mind this is the ONLY official online location to become a member no other place can provide you with what we can!One of the rules of the Illuminati is “We don’t talk about the Illuminati” so I can’t say too much about it here. If you are truly interested register to become a member and once you are approved you’ll have instant access to the Secret Illuminati Recruitment Program . Become a Member - To join your Illuminati please complete the form. Applicants are viewed on a daily basis. A secondary interview may be needed.They were a short lived secret society in the late 18th century who’s chief aim was to bring New World Order through moral and spiritual enlightenment. The central figure who started this secret society is Adam Weishapt who was a German philosopher and a professor of civil and canon law. Adam was brilliant academically who’s life and discipline was structured through the teachings of a Jesuit School. These teachings became a major influence in how he created this Secret Society. Before creating the “Illuminati” Adam joined the Freemasons in 1774 and left 2 years later after finding that the teachings of the Freemasons were not in alignment with his personal vision. He then decided to create a new secret society which he modeled after the Jesuit discipline. Although born a Catholic Adam’s vision of the “Illuminati” was to perfect human nature and society by overthrowing the Catholic Church and introduce a universal system of republican democracy. By 1784 the Illuminati had over 2000 members in which an estimated 650 members advanced to higher levels in the society. In 1785 rumors had spread about the society’s plot to over throw the government and church and Adam fearing his life decided to flee to Saxony leaving the Illuminati to run underground. It was during this time that the government issued a series of laws against secret societies. Amongst these was an Illuminati Inquisition to root out any Illuminati involvement in the government army clergy and educational system. By 1787 the Illuminati was completely suppressed however the conspiracy theories of their society had just begun. For more information.