Post #64719 - 13/04/2023 10:36:20

The advantages of steel conduit for electrical wiring that you may not know

Cat Van Loi Rigid steel conduit is used for protecting and routing electrical wiring installation in industrial and commercial buildings, including factories, warehouses, and office buildings. Rigid galvanized steel conduit provides a high level of physical protection to the electrical wiring, making it suitable for use in harsh environments where there is a risk of damage or exposure to corrosive substances. CVL G.I steel conduit is typically used in applications where there are high levels of mechanical stress, such as in underground installations, exposed outdoor locations, or in areas where the conduit is likely to be subject to impact or heavy loads. Additionally, rigid steel conduit is commonly used in hazardous locations where flammable gases or vapors may be present, as it is explosion-proof and can withstand high temperatures and pressures.

Steel conduit fittings are used for connecting and joining steel conduits together to create a complete conduit system. They are designed to ensure a secure and reliable connection between conduit sections and to allow for easy installation, maintenance, and modification of the conduit system as needed. Steel conduit fittings are commonly used in electrical and industrial applications to protect and route wiring and cables in a safe and efficient manner.